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Shipping & Returns

Return of goods policy & costs of shipping internet ordered goods on our website.

Goods that are damaged, defective or not as described can be returned for full credit or replacement at no additional cost. We will arrange to pick up the goods described above. We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of the above or our error as well.

You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund less a restocking fee of 22%. You will be liable for such freight returned.

Please contact us by either phone 1800 645 949 or email info@posoz.com.au for instructions on returning defective stock, in-correctly described stock, or goods shipped in error.

Please call the above numbers if you wish to return any unused stock for credit less the restocking fee of 22%.  Goods returned as such are subject to an inspection when returned to POSOZ. Freight must be paid by customer in this instance.

Freight charges are calculated on both the size and weight of the item. We use an online site that has reduced freight charges enabling us to pass on the savings to you.

We now send all orders either by Australian Express Post Satchel or book through our online booking system. Where there is a marked difference in the actual cost to the price charged by our web site software we will add additional product to the order to compensate for this difference. Where the cost is greater we will absorb it.

Freight costs and elivery times have changed since the Covid.  Local couriers can now be 2-3 days and interstate and intrastate orders can be 3-7 days for delivery.

Freight for country locations outside of Capital cities can now cost from $30 to $70 for items that need to go by road freight.  N.T. , W.A. $ S.A. the minimum for road freight is now $40.

January 17, 2024